Get to Know Water in Your County

The Cochise County Water Factsheet is now available! As the third installment in the WRRC’s Arizona Water Factsheet series, the factsheets offer a wide ranging yet concise overview of county water resources information for a general audience. The Cochise County Water Factsheet covers topics such as the county’s water supply and demand, unique water management challenges and opportunities, and a look to the future of water in Cochise County. Acknowledging the distinct water resources conditions, priorities, and values of each county, the WRRC works with local experts to guide the content and access existing water-related data. For Cochise County, the Technical Advisory Committee was led by Kim McReynolds, Extension Agent, Natural Resources in Cochise County and Extension Interim Regional Director for Cochise and Graham Counties Randy Norton. Input was also received from other local and regional stakeholders with deep knowledge of the unique local characteristics of water in Cochise County.