Yes. You can easily do this.
Dumping of waste, damage to property, and theft are some of the most common issues that landowners encounter along the river. To prevent illegal dumping or four wheeling/ATV access to your property and adjacent riverbed areas, it is recommended to post “No Trespassing” signs and, where possible, lock gates.
For more information on limiting access to your land, contact your county sheriff’s office.
In Graham County, you can anonymously report illegal dumping or vandalism to the Sheriff's Office by texting grahamtip, followed by the message you would like to submit, to 50911.
To report illegal dumping sites on Bureau of Land Management (BLM) lands call:
To address waste management issues, landfill drop-off events are held by municipalities in Graham and Greenlee Counties during the fall and spring each year. During the spring 2017 event, over 48,000 lbs. of trash were collected and recycled, including 130 large appliances! Schedules and announcements for clean-up and drop-off events can be found in the local paper, on the radio, and on county and municipalities' websites.
For information about litter pickups and volunteer events in Graham and Greenlee Counties, check with “Southeastern Arizona Clean and Beautiful” and “Friends of the Frisco”:
www. seacab.org
www.facebook.com/Friends-of-the- Frisco-the-Rivers-of-Greenlee-County- Arizona-154517074566871/
Photo credits: (above) UA WRRC, (left) Wouter Kiel
For More Information, Contact:
Graham County Sheriff
928.428.3141 Greenlee County Sheriff