The Upper Gila River Watershed is a region that has long been known for agriculture, recreation, and natural beauty. Currently, 70% of people living in the watershed are located within five miles of the Gila River, or its tributary, the San Francisco River. However, despite the majority of Gila Valley residents living near the river, there are often misconceptions about what private landowners are or are not permitted to do on their land adjacent to the Gila River.
In the 1960s and '70s, federal legislation was enacted to protect rivers and surrounding areas against practices that could impair water quality and increase damage from flooding and erosion. This legislation restricts landowners from freely modifying landscapes in a way that can influence water flow in or along their property. While certain actions on your property may require permitting, there are many (often quick and easy) ways to get approval and move forward with your land and water management goals.