Photo: Water harvesting containers capturing rain water from roof downspouts
Yes. You can easily do this.
In the state of Arizona, it is legal to collect any rainwater that falls on your property for future use. Rainwater can be harvested in rain barrels or cistern systems that funnel rooftop runoff to water collection tanks. If you have a roof of 1,000 ft2 that receives 10 inches of rain a year you can collect over 6,000 gallons of “free” water per year.
This collected water can be used for many purposes. With minimal or no treatment, rainwater can be used for garden and turf irrigation, dust control, or stock water supply. If you are interested in using the water for in-home purposes, some form of filtration and disinfection may be necessary.
In additional to other information provided on the University of Arizona Water Resources Research Center website see, A Guide: Rain Barrel Water Harvesting.
For More Information, Contact:
Graham County Cooperative Extension
Greenlee County Cooperative Extension