2012 Western States Remote Sensing of Evapotranspiration Workshop




You and your organization are invited to attend a two day workshop (plus a half day of METRIC Training) focusing on the technical and legal considerations of implementing remote sensing of evapotranspiration (ET) technology.

The 2012 Western States Remote Sensing of ET Workshop is designed to facilitate the transition from academic and scientific development and discovery, to everyday working applications.  The goal is to provide higher accuracy and efficiency of water use management at reduced costs. 

This workshop is designed to inform both the novice and the practitioner.  Day one focuses on the latest in technology at a field scale.  Day two focuses on use of this information in legal settings.
As an added opportunity, Rick Allen (University of Idaho) and Tony Morse (Spatial Analysis Group) will provide a session on METRIC on the morning of day 3, October 26th.

For more information visit:  www.westernstatesetworkshop.com. Register for the workshop by September 23rd for the early bird workshop registration rate of $165.

Due to time constraints we will not have an opportunity to present all of the technological opportunities in the general sessions.  Workshop participants are encouraged to bring relevant poster presentations for display.  Please contact Deb Wold at Idaho Water Resources Research Institute, University of Idaho (dwold@uidaho.edu) if you have a poster to present, in addition to those already registered.

Funding by NASA has enabled transportation assistance for a limited number of participants, with the intent of encouraging participation by interested organizations in each of the western states.  A form for requesting assistance will be available on the website soon.

 We look forward to seeing you in Boise in October!

Regards, your Planning Committee:

o   Dave Tuthill, Co-Chair (Idaho Water Engineering)

o   Rick Allen, Co-Chair (University of Idaho)

o   Hal Anderson (Idaho Water Engineering)

o   Martha Anderson (U.S. Department of Agriculture)

o   Rick Lawford (University of Maryland, Baltimore County)

o   Molly Maupin (U.S. Geological Survey)

o   Tony Morse (Spatial Analysis Group)

o   Julie Scanlin (Idaho Water Resources Research Institute)

o   David Toll (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)

o   John Tracy (Idaho Water Resources Research Institute)

o   Deb Wold (Idaho Water Resources Research Institute)