20th Annual Nonpoint Source Monitoring Workshop




US EPA hosts the 20th Annual Nonpoint Source Monitoring Workshop

"The Secrets of Success: Making the Most of Available Resources"

The Annual Nonpoint Source (NPS) Monitoring Workshop is an important forum for sharing information and improving communication on ways to control and track NPS pollution at its source and in receiving waterbodies. The focus of the 20th National Workshop is cost-efficiency across a range of topics including planning and implementation of land treatment to solve NPS problems, water quality monitoring for NPS problem assessment and project effectiveness, data sharing for multiple purposes, and communication of NPS water quality issues and findings to the general public.

This event will bring together NPS monitoring and management personnel from state, federal, Tribal and municipal governments, the private sector, academia, environmental groups and local watershed organizations to provide examples of lessons learned from completed NPS projects, demonstrations of new technologies and monitoring approaches, and documentation of successful application of NPS control practices and measures.
