The WRRC is searching for an Associate in Extension to lead the WaterRAPIDS (Water Research and Planning Innovations for Dryland Systems)program. The Associate will serve as a neutral third party for local, state, nonprofit, and federal partners to assist with the development of flexible and innovative approaches to water resources planning.
Paper by Simone Williams Featured as theJournal Water Cover Story
The cover story of a Special Issue of the journal Water (Vol. 16, Iss. 23 December-12024)features a paper written by Simone Williams, titled "Equity Assessment of GroundwaterVulnerability and Risk in Drinking Water Supplies inArid Regions."
Tensions Rise at CRWUA 2024
The Colorado River Water Users Association hosted its 2024 conference, Piecing the Puzzle Together: Post-2026 Operations, on December 4–6, in Las Vegas, Nevada. The conference was attended by water managers, researchers, and agricultural producers, among others.
WRRC Director Presents at Water ThinkTown Hall
On November 21, 2024, WRRC Director Sharon B.Megdal gave a presentation at The Water ThinkTown Hall: An Evening with the Experts. This community event was held in Tubac, AZ and attracted over 100 people interested in learning more about water resources in Santa Cruz County.