The water dynamics in the Arizona-Sonora border region are complex and challenging. The environmental conditions of this region, as well as the socio-economic and political asymmetries of both countries, often result in serious water quality issues for the communities on both sides of the border, while also affecting public health at large. The accelerated growth undergone by the Sonora border communities, in addition to the limited resources of these communities to respond to such a pattern, often results in environmental and human health impacts on both sides. Despite the uniqueness of this border region, it also allows for effective binational cooperation opportunities and strategic planning through existing solid collaboration platforms such as the Arizona-Mexico Commission and the US EPA-Border 2025 Program, as well as the existence of binational entities such as the North American Development Bank and the International Boundary and Water Commission. The mission of the Border Programs Unit at the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality is to protect public health and the environment in Arizona border communities via collaboration with entities on both sides of the border to achieve tangible, on-the-ground improvements to environmental quality. This WRRC Water Webinar will address how the team works to develop, nurture, and strengthen working relationships with stakeholders to effectively resolve transboundary environmental issues.