Contributing Authors:
Christopher Brown (New Mexico State University), Paul Ganster (San Diego State University), Hilda García (El Colegio de la Frontera Norte), Donna Lybecker (Idaho State University), Sharon Megdal (University of Arizona), Rosario Sanchez (Texas A&M University), Alan Sweedler (San Diego State University), Robert G. Varady (University of Arizona), Adriana Zuñiga (University of Arizona)
This white paper outlines a set of proposals intended to strengthen the ability of the United States International Boundary and Water Commission (USIBWC) to respond to the challenges of U.S.-Mexico border water management in the 21st century. The paper is placed within the context of the USIBWC's long history of handling water management issues on the U.S.-Mexico border and its demonstrated capacity to respond and adapt to the changing social, political, and environmental conditions and needs of residents of the border region. The paper draws on the extensive individual and group experience of the authors. It is guided by our collective understanding that water sustainability, resilience and efficiency along the U.S.-Mexico border are better achieved through cross-border cooperation, local participation, and partnership with universities and research institutions.
The paper is divided into three main sections: (1) institutional context, (2) current and emerging water management challenges and opportunities, and (3) institutional and policy requirements needed to achieve water sustainability, resilience, and efficiency along the U.S.-Mexico border.