April 01, 1993
Arizona Water Resources
Joe Gelt ed.
2 vol.
no. 3
16 pp.
Water Resources Research Center

Responding to the Town of Payson's sale of its Central Arizona Project (CAP) subcontract to a developer, the Department of Water Resources DWR) has proposed criteria for approval of future transactions. Payson exchanged its CAP Municipal and Industrial (M&1) subcontract entitlement with North Scottsdale Developers in exchange for money to be used to develop water supplies nearer to Payson. North Scottsdale in turn transferred the subcontract to the City of Scottsdale in lieu of paying
the City's water resource development fee for water service to its planned development. The "exchange" was approved unanimously by the Central Arizona Water Conservation District (CAWCD) at its March 1 1 meeting.