A well designed and maintained landscape can immediately enhance the attractiveness of homes, businesses, and the community at large. For that reason the City of El Centro has enacted and enforces landscape guidelines in order to maintain the beauty of our community. These guidelines have always reflected the unique climate of El Centro and the City is now encouraging the use of more water efficient landscaping. The purpose of this document is to serve as a guide to the landscape and water conservation requirements found in Section 29-142 of the City Zoning Ordinance and in state legislation under Assembly Bill 1881. While for the most part water conservation guidelines only apply to large landscaping projects, the City encourages its application to smaller scale projects in order to conserve water. If you have questions regarding landscaping or other development regulations, please refer to the City of El Centro Zoning Ordinance or contact the Planning and Zoning Department.
Keywords: landscape design, water conservation, water budget, irrigation schedule, plant selection, xeriscape, recommended plant list