27.6.D.3 3. Landscape Water Plan
a. To ensure irrigation efficiency and water conservation goals are accomplished, a landscape water plan specifying a maximum amount of water to be applied on an annual basis shall be established for any irrigated landscape.
b. The plan shall include:
i. Calculation of the monthly and total annual water use (gallons) required for all specified plant materials at maturity stage.
ii. Specific water use reduction in accordance with subsections D.3.e and f of this section.
iii. Delineation of project phases, if applicable, with corresponding water use details for each phase so that actual water use can be clearly compared with allocated amounts.
c. The landscape water plan, including the reduction amounts, shall be listed on the landscape plans.
d. Plant water use calculations shall be based on the most current plant water use information from the Arizona Department of Water Resources.
e. The irrigation reduction plan for landscaping shall be implemented three (3) years after issuance of the first certificate of occupancy. Metered water use for landscape irrigation shall be reduced by fifty percent (50%) five (5) years from the date of the issuance of the certificate of occupancy.
f. Eventual discontinuation of irrigation is preferred for all landscaped areas. Irrigation within the following landscape areas must be discontinued from irrigation:
i. All vegetation located in buffer yards shall not receive irrigation water after five (5) years from the certificate of occupancy date.
ii. All vegetation within roadway medians and rights-of-way shall not receive irrigation water after five (5) years from the date of project completion.
g. The annual water use for a project shall not exceed the annual landscape water plan. h. Meter readings are to be accomplished as follows:
i. Irrigation meter readings shall be used to determine compliance with the landscape water plan. Noncompliance is subject to penalties under Oro Valley Town Code.
ii. Meter readings shall be taken, at a minimum, on an annual basis. Monthly readings may be required, at the discretion of Planning and Zoning Administrator, in order to address noncompliance with the Water Plan.
iii. An initial meter reading taken prior to the issuance of the certificate of occupancy shall be recorded for reference as part of water plan reporting requirements (subsection E.2.b of this section).
i. The landscape rainwater plan shall not be enforced for the first year, commonly referred to as the plant establishment period. j. Within three (3) years from the date of issuance of a final certificate of occupancy, the applicant, or a successor in interest, may request to revise the landscape rainwater plan. The request shall be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Administrator. The request shall be granted only if one (1) of the following applies:
i. A mathematical error was made in the calculation of water required for on-site landscaping.
ii. Additional data on plant water consumption relevant to or relative to the subject site has been obtained, and results indicated a needed change in landscape water plan calculations included with the landscape plan.
Keywords: zoning, code, irrigation, landscape, water conservation