October 17, 2013
Arizona Water Resources
Susanna Eden ed.
21 vol.
no. 4
12 pp.
Water Resources Research Center
Tucson, Arizona

In the City of Prescott, the Watson Woods Riparian Preserve, along Granite Creek, is an oasis for wildlife and humans surrounded by development. The city’s wastewater treatment plant and transfer station are located a block to the east, a lumber company and a concrete block manufacturer are located to the south, Highway 89 and some dense subdivisions are to the west. Over the last century, this riparian area has been a sand and gravel mine, a dumpsite, a 4-wheel playground, and a shooting range. In 1995, the City of Prescott established the Watson Woods Riparian Preserve and transferred... more
Table of Contents:
- Along Urban Waterways: Cities Try New Strategies for Clean Waters and Shaded Streets
- Tucson Community Groups Win Conserve to Enhance Environmental Restoration Grants
News Briefs
- WRRC Graduate Student Jacob Prietto Wins Second Place in CAP Water Research Competition
- USDA and Department of Interior Announce Partnership to Protect Water Supply from Wildfire Risk
- EPA National Stormwater Calculator Available Online
- EPA Launches Online Tool for Finding Environmental Impact Statements
Special Feature
Guest View
Low Impact Development and Green Infrastructure: A Multibenefit Solution to a Multifaceted Problem by Evan Canfield, Pima County Regional Flood Control District, and Irene Ogata, City of Tucson
Student Spotlight
- Water-Energy Nexus: A Literature Review
- Factors Affecting Public-Supply-Well Vulnerability to Contamination: Understanding Observed Water Quality and Anticipating Future Water Quality
- New Visions, Smart Choices: Western Water Security in a Changing Climate
- The Quality of Our Nation’s Waters - Ecological Health in the Nation’s Streams, 1993-2005
- Sustainability: Water
- Plume Activity and Tidal Stresses on Enceladus
- An Observed Correlation Between Climate Change and Indigenous Peoples in the United States: Impacts, Experiences and Actions