Passive water harvesting is the practice of slowing water down and encouraging it to soak into the ground. With simple land contouring (often called “earthworks”) that catch and direct stormwater runoff, stormwater can be used beneficially, encouraging plant growth in landscapes and natural areas, healing erosion cuts, and can even replace the need to irrigate with tap water. Passive water harvesting systems consist of a catchment area, a distribution system and a landscape holding area. Runoff is directed from the catchment area to the holding area where water can be immediately used by landscape plants. Catchment areas include soil surfaces, roofs, roads and sidewalks. Passive water harvesting can be used along with a rainwater storage system (“active” rainwater harvesting) or can be used alone.
Keywords: water harvesting; passive; earthworks; berms; swales; infiltration basins; permeable pavement; French drains; mulch; beneficial use