Agriculture faces a conundrum: populations needing food are increasing and the necessary land and water resources to produce crops are not. What to do?
The perplexing situation was addressed recently in an article in the November Scientific American, titled, “Growing Skyscrapers: The Rise of Vertical Farms.” Author Dickson Despommier says an insufficient supply of arable land is available to feed a projected 9.5 million population by 2050. Agricultural practices causing environmental harm contribute to the problem... more
Table of Contents:
Guest View
Special Projects
WRRC News and Information
- Annual WRRC Conference to Have Leadership Theme
- Two On-line Programs Announced
- Emerging Waterborne Pathogens Workshop
News Briefs
- ADEQ Chief Proposes Permitting Fee Increases
- EPA Report Ranks Arizona as High Water User
- Court to Consider if NEPA Applies to Loans to Build Along San Pedro
Public Policy Review
- Now's the Time to Fit Together the Pieces of an Arizona Water Plan by Sharon Megdal
AWR Insert: Dissolved Solids in Basin-Fill Aquifers and Streams in the Southwestern United States - Executive Summary The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) recently completed a regional study in the Southwestern United States to characterize dissolved solids conditions in major water supplies, including important rivers and aquifers.