UA Honored for Achievements in Water Resources

On Saturday, September 21, Arizona Forward held its Annual Environmental Excellence Awards gala. Water was a theme throughout the evening, with major awards for the Gila River Indian Community's Managed Aquifer Recharge MAR 5 & Gila River Interpretive Trail project, Scottsdale Water, and the Drought Contingency Plan. Each of the three state universities received a sustainability award. The University of Arizona was recognized for its global leadership in water resources. In addition to citing the more than 280 faculty and researchers who specialize in water-related research, the announcement of the UA award referred specifically to the Water Resources Research Center with its focus on partnerships and engagement on real-world water issues. WRRC Director Sharon B. Megdal accepted the award on behalf of UA President Robert C. Robbins. Arizona Forward is a 200-member association that fosters dialogue among business, community, and civic leaders toward a balance of economic development and environmental quality.
Arizona Forward 50th Anniversary Video
Photo courtesy of Arizona Forward.