Environment & Natural Resources (ENR2) Building, Room S107, Haury Auditorium
Dr. Stephen Mumme
Political Science, Colorado State University
Dr. Sharon Megdal
Director, Water Resources Research Center (WRRC), University of Arizona
Roberto Salmón
CILA Commissioner
José Nuñez
IBWC Acting Commissioner
Celebrating 75 years of U.S.-Mexico water relations, the University of Arizona’s (UA) Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy, with collaboration from the Institute of the Environment and Water Resources Research Center (WRRC), has partnered with El Colegio de Sonora (Hermosillo, Mexico) to hold a public workshop looking at the past, present, and future of these relations at the UA’s Environment & Natural Resources (ENR2) Building on campus on October 15-16, 2018: Binational Water Relations at 75 Years: Retrospectives, Resilience, and U.S.-Mexico Border Water Resources Governance.