Yes, with assistance. You need a permit.
If you are interested in burning brush, an open burn permit can be issued online by ADEQ or at your local county health department. The permits require you to provide: date of burn; type and quantity of material burned; type of fire (e.g. ditchbank); and location of burn.
Permits are typically issued for the purpose of weed abatement or prevention of a fire hazard, but will not be issued for the burning of most garbage or other prohibited materials.
All open burning must be conducted at least fifty feet from the nearest structure, and conducted during the hours of the day stipulated in the permit.
In case of emergency, water or other resources should be available to quickly extinguish the fire.
If burning in Graham or Greenlee County, you can apply online, or mail or fax your permit application to ADEQ’s Southern Regional Office:
Arizona Dept. of Environmental Quality Southern Regional Office
400 W. Congress, Suite 433
Tucson, AZ 85701
(fax) 520.628.6745
Contact the sheriff office prior to burning brush. This call can help avoid issues with unnecessary deployment of fire department services, saving yourself and the county time, money, and resources:
Graham Co. Sheriff: 928.428.3141
Greenlee Co. Sheriff: 928.865.4149
For More Information, Contact:
Arizona Dept. of Environmental Quality (ADEQ)