Shift Happens

Flight of Birds taken from above





Tice Supplee
Audubon Arizona Director of Bird Conservation
Date/Time: Tuesday, April 21 / 12:00 – 1:15 p.m.
Climate change is the No. 1 threat to North American birds according to a recent analysis by National Audubon Society scientists.  With a focus on the arid west and Arizona, Tice Supplee, the Audubon Arizona Director of Bird Conservation, will present the science behind the analysis. Join us to learn where potential “climate strongholds” for birds are located in our state. 
Tice Supplee has 29 years of experience with the Arizona Game and Fish Department, including experiences in research, habitat management, game management, and urban wildlife. She has been with the National Audubon Society since 2005, where her work is focused on birds and their habitats. Her education is in wildlife ecology with a B.S. from Cornell University (1973) and a M.S. from the University of Arizona (1981).