Collegiate Campus Showcase: Seeking Water From the Sun




Film Screening: Seeking Water From the Sun (Working Title)
Friday, Nov. 8
3:30 p.m. at the Gallagher Theater (Student Union Memorial Center)
This special film presentation during Homecoming Weekend will provide a snapshot of the film design, construction and current status of the solar-energy powered desalination prototype featured in the Arizona Public Media special documentary "Seeking Water From the Sun," which aired on Earth Day, April 22, 2012. The documentary looks at the drama of science and the reality of life on the Navajo Nation, as it explores the trials and tribulations facing scientists designing and building a solar-powered water distillation prototype, the first step of a plan to purify ground water for easier access to the Navajo people and their livestock.
The program will include a short presentation of a portion of the documentary, along with panel discussion about what has developed with the prototype since the film, and the national and global potential for the prototype. Panelists will include the principal scientists involved in the
project, the producers and directors of the film, Rosie Sekayumptewa -- a Navajo Native featured in the film -- and Gilad Almogy, President of Cogenra, the solar company developing the prototype for the commercial market.
Presentation Partners:
Arizona Public Media
UA Institute for the Environment, Renewable Energy Network
UA College of Engineering
UA Water Sustainability Program
UA Water Resource Research Center (WRRC)
US Bureau of Reclamation