WRRC Director Submits Groundwater Comments to PCAST

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The President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) has formed a working group to consider opportunities and challenges related to our understanding and stewardship of America’s groundwater. PCAST recently solicited input from the public to help guide government decision-making, asking six questions about how best to approach different aspects of groundwater management nationwide. This input will support the development of a report to advance action on groundwater protection. WRRC Director Sharon B. Megdal submitted comments in response to the PCAST call for input. Her suggestions included reminders that “groundwater is local” so solutions will need to be localized according to the unique needs of the community and achieving “sustainable use of groundwater may be difficult in many settings because groundwater is finite.” Megdal also recommended an inclusive approach, noting that “If a goal of the working group on America’s groundwater is to advance timely, whole-of-country collection of data on groundwater, which is a very big task, I suggest that a broad working group representing states and Native Nations, along with other water experts be formed.” A theme throughout her remarks was the importance of relationships and meaningful, ongoing community engagement. The full text of Director Megdal’s comments is linked below.

Megdal's PCAST Comments
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