Virtual Arizona Water Festival for Earth Day!

UArizona students, Americorps members, and APW Educators worked together to Bring You the Virtual Arizona Water Festival for Earth Day! Do you think that the University of Arizona is closed down due to the COVID 19 virus shelter-at-home directive? Nope, the 24 member Arizona Project WET (APW) team has come together, pooled talents and skills, and launched into the development of virtual learning experiences APW style. We have worked to maintain our interactive approach, engaging learners through inquiry, exploration, and discovery. And after 5 weeks we give you the Arizona Water Festival Virtual Event:!
Anyone can use the link and learn from these short, no longer than 8-minute videos, about water resources and water saving technology. Lessons continue to use inquiry-based instruction, models, and visuals to drive learning.
Since Arizona Project WET is a stakeholder-driven Arizona Cooperative Extension Program, we serve our partners at local cities, counties, industries, and businesses. Even in these trying times we continue to work to bring authentic and objective-driven water education to their service areas. With this new endeavor, fourth grade students will still be exploring water in Arizona while covering science benchmarks for their grade level.
Always data driven and learner centered, participants can test their knowledge retention by taking a quiz at the end of the unit. They can see their correct answers and retake the quiz to reflect their new understanding. This formative assessment offers students a chance to learn and be rewarded for that learning. It will also provide APW with data that will help us improve and augment the program.
There’s no better day to launch APW’s new Virtual Event which will be relevant for years to come!