Engagement Leads to Action and Results Nov. 20, 2020 Natural curiosity is the foundation of science. As a child, who hasn’t asked “why is the sky blue” or wondered how flies can walk on the ceiling? When fostered, children’s natural state of wonder can lead to a deeper level of learning. Read more Image
Experiences of a National Climate Assessment Author Nov. 13, 2020 The US Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) has announced a call for author nominations (due Saturday, November 14, 2020) for the 5th National Climate Assessment (NCA). Gregg Garfin, UArizona Associate Professor/Extension Specialist, University Director, Southwest Climate Adaptation Science Center, and Deputy Director for Science Translation and Outreach, Arizona Institutes for Resilience, reflects here on his experiences heading extraordinary teams of authors on the Southwest chapter of the 3rd (2014) and 4th (2018) NCAs. Read more
APW: Action for Climate Empowerment Nov. 9, 2020 Last month at the NAAEE conference, as news of the US leaving the Paris Agreement received minor bylines amongst the all-consuming election headlines, Read more Image
Climate Change Dynamos Oct. 30, 2020 Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson is a marine biologist, policy expert, widely published writer, and founder of the Urban Ocean Lab, a think tank focused on the future of coastal cities. Read more Image
New US-Mexico Agreement on Rio Grande Foreseen in Recent Wilson Center Article Oct. 30, 2020 On October 21, 2020, the Mexico Institute at the Wilson Center released the article “Deadline Looms for Transboundary U.S.-Mexico Water Management: Experts weigh in on the potential for conflict and cooperation.” The deadline in question was October 24, 2020, the date by which Mexico was to meet its Rio Grande water delivery obligation to the United States under the 1944 Treaty between the United States and Mexico regarding Utilization of Waters of the Colorado and Tijuana Rivers and of the Rio Grande. Read more Image
WRRC Director Addresses Two Conferences on Binational Water Oct. 26, 2020 WRRC Director Sharon B. Megdal participated in two virtual programs the week of October 12, 2020. She joined two panelists from Mexico to provide remarks comparing groundwater depletion and water security in the Rio Grande Basin and Colorado River Basin at the United States - Mexico Transboundary Groundwater Conference held October 14-15. Read more Image
Ingenious Indigenous Inventions to Move Water Oct. 19, 2020 Since the beginnings of human history, humankind has been reshaping the earth to help meet our physical needs. Improving accessibility to water was paramount for many early cultures and it still is for the desert Southwest today. Read more Image
Water Costarred in Arizona Cooperative Extension Conference Oct. 12, 2020 The Arizona Cooperative Extension Virtual Conference, October 6-8, 2020, was the setting for learning about water, our “most vital natural resource.” WRRC Director Sharon B. Megdal led a session titled “Water Updates, Collaboration Opportunities and Q&A with the Water Resource Research Center,” Read more Image
Actualizaciones Sobre Actividades Transfronterizas Oct. 5, 2020 El WRRC celebró recientemente una reunión a través de la plataforma Zoom para discutir cuestiones relacionadas con el uso del agua y la incertidumbre climática en el Acuífero Transfronterizo Santa Cruz. La reunión, celebrada el 17 de septiembre de 2020, fue organizada por el WRRC como parte del Programa de Evaluación de Acuíferos Transfronterizos (TAAP). Read more Image
Updates on Transboundary Activities Oct. 5, 2020 The WRRC recently held a Zoom meeting to discuss issues related to water use and climate uncertainties in the Transboundary Santa Cruz Aquifer. The meeting, held on September 17, 2020, was organized by the WRRC as part of the Transboundary Aquifer Assessment Program (TAAP). Read more Image