PCAST Defines Government Role in Addressing Groundwater Depletion

The President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST), a group of unpaid advisors, was appointed by the federal government to recommend potential actions that would address groundwater depletion in the US. A recent guest editorial article in the National Ground Water Association (NGWA) journal Groundwater, co-authored by NGWA Director of Science & Technology Bill Alley, WRRC Director Sharon B. Megdal, and UC Davis Professor & Hydrologist Thomas Harter, provided commentary on PCAST’s reports and recommendations. Because each aquifer is unique, with different sizes, weather conditions, water uses, and populations drawing from it, effective groundwater management calls for thoughtful engagement from local stakeholders. PCAST recommends that groundwater-related decisions be made by the states and Tribes who share authority over their water. Currently, federal government assistance comes in the form of financial assistance, research on desalination technology, and monitoring of groundwater trends across the nation. The Alley et al. article asserts that “A federally involved initiative in close collaboration with states is needed to enhance monitoring and data delivery systems,” as well as funding and resources for education and research opportunities to meet future challenges in managing groundwater resources.