Get Ready for Groundwater Awareness Week!

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This year’s National Groundwater Awareness Week (GWAW) is March 9–15. The National Ground Water Association (NGWA) created this initiative in 1999 to encourage yearly water well testing and maintenance and to promote policies impacting groundwater quality and supply. GWAW reminds well owners to test, tend, and treat their private water systems. Resources, such as water well maintenance tip sheets and a Find a Contractor tool to help locate certified local water well contractors in specific areas, can be accessed at, a site operated by NGWA with assistance from the Rural Community Assistance Partnership.

The WRRC’s Water & Sustainability Resources webpage also offers informative publications on groundwater, including the Arizona Well Owner’s Guide to Water Supply. In addition, WRRC webinars are raising awareness about groundwater. Join us on Tuesday, March 4, for an author talk featuring scientist Peter Gleick, Co-Founder and Senior Fellow of the Pacific Institute, who will be discussing his book, The Three Ages of Water: Prehistoric Past, Imperiled Present, and a Hope for the Future, the current state of the world of water, and the many water challenges and crises we face. 

More Info about GWAW 

Peter Gleick Water Webinar