Underwater robots are exploring new depths and APW is exploring new possibilities for hands-on learning. Partnering with 4-H STEM YOUniversity, we are providing a 12-week online Underwater Robotics Camp to youth and 4-H leaders across Arizona. Family teams and adult 4-H educators in five counties are designing, building, and testing ROVs (also known as underwater robots). Thanks to several grants secured by APW and 4-H, each team has the necessary equipment to participate, including portable pools. Using MATE (Marine Advanced Technology Education) lessons that were modified for online delivery, Betsy Wilkening (APW) and Jerry Lopez (4-H) are facilitating the camp, which includes Wednesday evening and Saturday afternoon sessions. The camp ends in May with a remote competition based on a modified version of the MATE II 2021 Scout Challenge. Teams will demonstrate their ROVs performing tasks in their pools remotely, design a marketing display, and deliver an online engineering presentation with judges. These activities are all part of the MATE II competition format. APW and 4-H began exploring this partnership four years ago and, despite COVID-19 restrictions, we have worked together to finally create this new opportunity for STEM learning.