Building Solutions While Staying-In

Aug. 24, 2020
“Use what you have. Start where you are. Do what you can.” This advice was given by Kelisa Wing, an educator, advocate, and author, speaking about dismantling structural racism and inequities during the Stay-In-stitute teacher professional development provided by Climate GenerationThe Wild Center, and NOAA Education. At the end of July, a cohort of eight Recharge the Rain teachers, a WMG partner, and two APW education coordinators attended this 3-day online workshop that covered topics on racial equity, storytelling, science, indigenous knowledge, social solutions, and youth activism, all under the umbrella of climate change. Critical thinking and self-reflection were integral in the learning process. Concept maps created by participants prior to the workshop served as a tool to map individual learning and goals related to climate change education. At the end of the workshop it was clear to the educators that communities, science, justice, equity, and education are all connected! Educators completed the workshop with the knowledge, tools, resources, support, and passion to, “Do what you can!” to combat climate change while addressing systemic issues in their communities.
Check out the compilation of online resources available to help in Betsy Wilkening’s Wakelet.

Arizona Project WET