Arizona Water Factsheets … Did You Know?

Jan. 30, 2025

CRIT Efforts Help Sustain the Colorado River

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The Colorado River Indian Tribes (CRIT), representing four distinct Tribes — the Mohave, Chemehuevi, Hopi, and Navajo — and located along the Colorado River in La Paz County, are a significant water rights holder and state partner. With first-priority entitlements to nearly one-third (662,402 acre-feet or 200 million gallons per year) of Arizona’s Colorado River allotment, CRIT sustains a strong agricultural industry. In 2017, the Tribes generated more than $78 million in agricultural sales. Dominant crops grown on the CRIT reservation include hay, durum wheat, and vegetables. Despite their success, CRIT voluntarily pledged to fallow farmland (leave acreage unsown) to help Arizona respond to record-breaking depletions of Lakes Mead and Powell triggered by climate change and overallocation of Colorado River water. 

When Arizona created the 2019 Drought Contingency Plan (DCP) to forestall Colorado River water shortages, CRIT contributed significantly. From 2020–2022, their fallowing efforts conserved 150,000-acre feet of water to maintain reservoir levels. Through the Colorado River Indian Tribes Water Resiliency Act of 2022, which grants the Tribe full leasing authority over their Colorado River water entitlements, CRIT continues to partner with Arizonans. By leasing some of their water, CRIT aims to alleviate state drought stress while generating revenue for agricultural infrastructure improvements and Tribal services.

To learn more about water in La Paz County or other counties in Arizona, check out our Arizona Water Factsheet series!