Sun Rays - Mogollon Rim 2018
Kathy Ritter
The Salt River Project (SRP) was founded in 1903 and has been managing water supplies from the Salt and Verde Rivers for more than a century. As SRP prepares for the next century of serving reliable water supplies to the Valley, changing climate conditions, consumer interest, and demands require strategic investment in the Green and Traditional Infrastructure that support SRP's water supplies.
SRP's Forest Health initiatives are building on more than a century of watershed stewardship while adapting to the current needs and changing dynamics of the Salt and Verde Watersheds. Over 100 years of wildfire suppression in northern Arizona's forests leave the Salt and Verde rivers at risk. SRP is investing in landscape-scale forest restoration with community and business partners to ensure that watershed health is improved and maintained in support of ecosystem and water resilience.
SRP's Water System Projects are focused on ensuring SRP's water storage and conveyance systems are ready to meet community needs, while preparing for a warmer and more variable future. SRP is building regional partnerships with municipal, Tribal, and agricultural partners to plan and implement infrastructure and operational projects that are intended to improve water availability and resilience in central Arizona.

Elvy Barton is the Manager of the Water and Forest Sustainability group at the Salt River Project (SRP). Her team leads SRP's efforts on water conservation and forest health. In addition to working at SRP, Barton is an Academic Associate for Arizona State University's School of Sustainability. Prior to working at SRP, Barton was a Senior Policy Advisor at the Arizona Legislature working on natural resource and water policy. Barton has a bachelor’s degree in Political Science, a master's in Public Administration, and an executive master’s in Sustainability Leadership from Arizona State University.

Ron Klawitter is the Manager of the Water System Projects group at the Salt River Project. His team is responsible for preparing SRP’s water system for the next century of service—building on more than a century of water resilience. Klawitter has more than a decade of experience in water and energy planning, including serving as Senior Policy Advisor to the Commissioner of the Bureau of Reclamation from 2018 to 2020. Klawitter has a bachelor’s degree in Economics and Mathematics from NAU and a master’s in Applied Economics from the University of Arizona.