Bear Canyon Creek, AZ
Raquel Nanez
Assuring sustainable supply of clean water is plagued by a complex web of challenges that collectively constitute a wicked water problem. Rapid population growth and diversification, coupled with the adverse impacts of climate change, strain already limited water resources. Technology continues to reveal emerging contaminants, raising new concerns about the safety of existing water supply sources, and further constraining the ability to provide safe water to meet growing demands. These challenges have far-reaching consequences, affecting not only vulnerable human populations and biodiversity, but also industries such as agriculture, manufacturing, and municipalities. Arid and semi-arid regions, at the frontline of these challenges, hold a unique opportunity to lead the world in tackling these complex water problems. This talk offers an opportunity to bolster the already ongoing leadership roles of the University of Arizona, through the Water Resources Research Center, in promoting actionable science to develop tools that help us navigate complex water resources challenges. This WRRC webinar presentation highlights examples of utilizing geospatial and modeling approaches to leverage engagement with stakeholders in the pursuit of answering piquing questions about water resource problems.

Abubakarr Sidique Mansaray, PhD (Abu) is a Research Project Manager and Graduate Faculty of Water Resources Science and Management at Oklahoma State University. He holds a PhD in Environmental Science, with a wealth of experience in Environmental Chemistry, Remote Sensing, GIS, and Modeling. Dr. Mansaray leads multiple research projects, including OK-HAWQS (Hydrologic and Water Quality System for Oklahoma), riparian habitat assessment, private well water screening and education for rural communities, and an NSF-funded international transboundary water network. He works with diverse communities and partners, contributing to sustainable water resource management locally, nationally, and internationally.
Questions for Dr. Mansaray: abu.Mansaray@okstate.edu