Film Screening and Panel
“Silent River” is a short film following Matt Moseley, a world record-breaking long-distance swimmer, who attempts a 52-mile swim from Mineral Bottom, near Moab, down the Green River to the confluence with the Colorado River. Moseley embarks on a physically punishing athletic endeavor while battling the worst drought in history. “Silent River” is a piece about Matt’s triumphant attempt at a swim that’s never been done, but at its core, “Silent River” is about how our rivers are hurting due to drought, climate change, and overuse, and because of it all, we are hurting too. In this WRRC Brown Bag Webinar, we will view the 13-minute short film and be able to hear first-hand about Moseley's experience.
We have the solutions. We know we have to use less water – on the ag side, the municipal side – we just have to be willing to do it and have the political will to use less. It’s go time
— Matt Rice, American Rivers Southwest Region Director.