Written On Water: A Modern Tale of a Dry West

Agriculture irrigation





Merri Lisa Trigilio
Producer/Director, DP

The WRRC will recognize Groundwater Awareness Week with an on-campus screening of Written on Water: A Modern Tale of a Dry West.

Written On Water focuses on the Ogallala Aquifer and examines the conflicts, politics, and economics, associated with groundwater depletion in the High Plains region. The Ogallala supports over one-fifth of the grain, beef, and cotton production in the United States and over 80% of the drinking water for people living in the High Plains. The Ogallala Aquifer is not being replenished as it once was by Rocky Mountain waters, resulting in significant depletion of the aquifer waters.

The film screening, which will take place in the Kiva Room of the Student Union at 4:30 p.m., will be followed by a question-and-answer session with the film's Producer/Director, Merri Lisa Trigilio, Ph.D.