Water Investigation Program Symposium




This school year, Arizona Project WET has embarked on a new venture in teacher professional development and student-driven inquiry.  The Water Investigations Program has engaged teachers in thinking about teaching the inquiry process to their students, and students in connecting their own water use to Arizona’s riparian areas.  Through funding from the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality and the Water Sustainability Program, Arizona Project WET has helped teachers guide their students from investigating water use at school through developing their own questions for investigation at riparian preserves all over the state. On April 29th, over 200 students from four Arizona schools will gather together at the University of Arizona to share their findings with each other, University of Arizona graduate students and faculty, and you!  Please join us for this exciting event.
Water Investigations Program Symposium 

Arizona Project WET Riparian Symposium
10 am            Students arrive at the University of Arizona Student Union (North Ballroom)
10:15             Keynote by Dr. Joellen Russell, Assistant Professor of Geosciences
10:45             Student breakout sessions: Students share results with others with similar research
12:00             Lunch, awards and wrap-up
12:30-1:30      Tours of University of Arizona Science facilities