Water Resources Research Center
I had the pleasure of seeing this presentation on August 27, 2008, when it was presented to the
City/County Water & Wastewater Study Oversight Committee. It is a most informative presentation
on the history of agricultural water use in our region. I immediately thought to invite Jonathan
Mabry, who recently assumed Historic Preservation Officer for the City of Tucson to give the
presentation at the WRRC. Please join us on September 23, 2008 at noon for this special seminar.
Sharon Megdal, WRRC Director
Speaker: Jonathan Mabry, Ph.D., Historic Preservation Officer, City of Tucson
Date and Time:
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Noon to 1:30
Sol Resnick Conference Room, WRRC, 350 N. Campbell, Tucson AZ