The Santa Cruz River Heritage Project – Reviving an Urban River






Tim Thomure
Director, Tucson Water

In 2016, the City of Tucson initiated a discussion about using reclaimed water to restore perennial flow to a portion of the Santa Cruz River near downtown Tucson. This action could support riparian habitat in the urban core, improve long-term water management in the region, and stimulate economic activity. The concept was well received by a multitude of stakeholders and Tucson Water began the tasks of bringing this vision to reality. In May 2019, perennial flow will return to the Santa Cruz River near Tucson’ Birthplace, and a new era of water management will begin. This presentation will provide an update on the project, discuss the challenges that lie ahead, and advise attendees of what they can do to support the Santa Cruz River Heritage Project.

Tim Thomure is the Director of Tucson Water, a 590-person operation providing potable and reclaimed water service to 725,000 people in southern Arizona. Tim is a licensed PE with 24 years of experience working in public utilities, private industry, and consulting. His areas of expertise include strategic planning, water supply, water recycling, and organizational development. He holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Illinois and a Master of Engineering degree from the University of Arizona. He currently serves as President-Elect of the AZ Water Association, which is the state chapter for both AWWA and WEF. Tim is a Past President of WateReuse Arizona and has served on the National Board of the WateReuse Association, the WateReuse Research Foundation, the Water Environment & Reuse Foundation, and the newly combined Water Research Foundation.