November 14 Brown Bag: Tucson Waters Clearwater Program - Present and Future





Wally Wilson
Tucson Water

The City of Tucson has long recognized the need to reduce its historic reliance on local groundwater to meet water demand. In order to bring renewable Colorado River water into the community, Tucson Water has constructed the Central Avra Valley Storage and Recovery Project (CAVSARP) and the Southern Avra Valley Storage and Recovery Project (SAVSARP). Through recharge and recovery, Colorado River water mixes with groundwater to produce a blended water supply. Potable water deliveries from CAVSARP started in 2001 and from SAVSARP in 2008. These facilities are the primary elements of the Clearwater Program ­ a series of projects that bring the City’s annual allocation of Central Arizona Project water (144,191 acre-feet) into use. Implementing the Clearwater Program is the primary initiative within Tucson Water’s Capital Improvement Program over the next five years and includes the design and construction of additional recovery wells, reservoirs, boosters and transmission mains necessary to bring renewable resources into the community.

Date and Time:
Friday, November 14, 2008
Noon to 1:30