Free Webinar: Benchmarking Water and Wastewater Rates in Arizona




A free 60-minute interactive webinar to introduce Arizona’s revised and expanded 2015 online Water and Wastewater Rates Dashboard and provide information about metrics for sustainable rates and finances.

Featuring data from approximately 90% of Arizona utilities, this year’s Dashboard has added a Financial Benchmarks Tab with four financial key performance indicators; has much faster load and response times; allows for easier and faster searchingfor utilities; will run on tablet devices (e.g. iPad); and many other new features!

The Rates Dashboard is a great tool to help Arizona utility managers, finance directors, council/board members and others evaluate their user rates, benchmark rates with other utilities, and determine if utility rates are encouraging conservation and covering costs of operations and capital. It can also serve as a communications tool for explaining utility rates and finance concepts to a variety of audiences.

This webinar is being presented by the Environmental Finance Center at UNC Chapel Hill in partnership with the Water Infrastructure Finance Authority of Arizona (WIFA) as part of WIFA's annual Water and Wastewater Residential Rates Survey project.
