This Brown Bag presentation will include a brief overview of a new NGO in Cochise County: The Cochise Water Project (TCWP). Learn how TCWP began, organized and developed its programs, and how it measures its effectiveness to ensure it is a good steward of the funding provided. Speakers Dave Grieshop and Tim Cervantes will also give an overview of TCWP's 2013 programs and future 2014 programs, and share their lessons learned.
Dave Grieshop has been involved with the water-energy nexus since 2009. Twice he has been an invited speaker at ACEEE hot water forums, as well as the international WaterSmart Innovations Symposium and Conferences. His web-based company, Reality LLC, is involved with modeling communities and/or water districts for wasted water and energy as well as designing high-performance structured plumbing systems for residential and multi-family buildings. He is Chair, Technical Advisory Committee to the BOD of TCWP.
Tim Cervantes is the past Director of Operations for Cox Communications, and at the completion of his project he joined The Cochise Water Project as Administrative Director. His job is to implement projects and programs for the project.