California Groundwater: Data, Planning and Opportunities




Groundwater Resources Association of California's 21st Annual Conference and Meeting: California Groundwater: Data, Planning and Opportunities

October 4-5, Conference and Meeting
October 3, Optional Field Trip and Dinner

Conference Focus
California's groundwater resources are receiving an unprecedented attention with a "watershed" of new information, programs, and regulations. This year's two-day conference will provide the latest information on recent and developing policies and regulations and technical and legal challenges affecting groundwater use and management in California. Conference attendees will receive information on a number of statewide activities and new regulations, including the California Department of Water Resources' (DWR's) groundwater content enhancement for the California Water Plan Update 2013 and the results of its statewide survey of groundwater management plans and conjunctive use, groundwater recharge and banking projects; DWR's California Statewide Groundwater Elevation Monitoring (CASGEM) program; State Water Board programs and initiatives; and the Association of California Water Agency's (ACWA's) Groundwater Management Framework Action Plan Implementation.

Preliminary Topics for Conference Sessions Include:
• California Water Plan 2013 Update – overview of groundwater content enhancements
• Regional groundwater strategies, priorities, and initiatives
• Groundwater management: local perspectives on plans and program activities
• Groundwater monitoring and assessment: local to basin/subbasin scale
• Groundwater quality and cleanup: approaches, lessons, and regional significance
• Data: collection, management advances, and integration
• Climate change: impacts and opportunities for groundwater supply and storage
• Surface Water/Groundwater Interaction: methods and approaches to monitor
• Managed aquifer recharge, including recycled water use and technical, regulatory, political, and legal hurdles
• Groundwater law and policy - local control and the state and public trust issues
• Land use and groundwater - integrating planning with resource management
• Mapping groundwater recharge areas: recharge and planning, a new linkage
• Salt and nutrient management plans: source identification, mitigation and monitoring
• Alternative sources of supply - expanding use and integration at local and regional scales
• Stormwater capture and reuse: permitting and water rights
• Brackish water supplies: progress on planning and developing inland and coastal projects
• Compounds of emerging concern in groundwater: status of standardized data collection, analysis and variables
• Advances in groundwater modeling – integrating quantity and quality
• Emerging issues: hydraulic fracturing, groundwater dependent ecosystems, abandoned wells and more