The restoration of riparian systems faces the challenge of scarce water resources and the prevalence of invasive species. These have been critical issues in the Colorado River delta, where the development of the basin caused the loss of over 80% of the wetland. In spite of the impacts, the Colorado River delta has experienced an ecological recovery in response to inadvertent flows and agricultural run-off that has maintained important wetland areas, such as the Cienega de Santa Clara.
In 1996, a binational initiative for the restoration of the Colorado River delta was started by environmental groups, government agencies and academic institutions from both sides of the border. The initiative has been supported by three major components: 1) research and planning, 2) public policy and outreach, and 3) implementation of restoration mechanisms. An important step in this process was the publication of the Conservation Priorities for the Delta and the identification of the water needs for each of the target areas. With this information, we have been able to move forward with restoration mechanisms, including the creation of a Water Trust for the acquisition of irrigation rights to restore instream flows. At the same time we have been implementing on the ground restoration projects at 15 sites. The institutional support within Mexico and the collaboration through the binational negotiations have been critical factors in supporting the restoration progress in the delta.
During these years we have learned that the delta maintains a resilient ecosystem, where restoration, allocation of water for the environment and the protection of large tracts of wetlands is feasible, and that there is a strong institutional and community support for these efforts. The current conditions in the basin present formidable challenges ahead for water supply and riparian conservation; however, the participation of stakeholders and water users in the U.S. and Mexico could lead to agreements for additional dedication of water for the restoration of the Colorado River delta.