2013 Underground Injection Control Conference





Register Now - Space is Limited for the 2013 Underground Injection Control Conference

Aquifer Management & Underground Injection
SARASOTA, FL  JANUARY 22-24, 2013 

The UIC Conference is the place to be to learn the latest information about underground injection control. We cover UIC topics from both a technical and regulatory perspective including the most recent changes to state and federal requirements and guidance.  

We offer the only Class I Operator Training Course in the United States.  

At this event you will have a chance to talk to regulatory officials from state, local and federal government officials as well as people who manage groundwater quality and quantity and stormwater or work with oil and gas, chemical, uranium mining, and other industries that utilize underground injection.  

Registration at http://www.gwpc.org/events   - Deadline for Hotel Reservations: January 2nd, 2013


Topics to Include:

CO2 Geosequestration - Hydraulic Fracturing - Class I Training - Aquifer Storage and Recovery - Stray Gas & Water Quality - Low Impact Development & Stormwater - Well Integrity Workshop - Class I, II, III, & V Issues - Induced Seismicity -  RBDMS Data Mining for Oil, Gas, Class II & VI UIC Wells - Aquifer Exemptions -   Injection & Deep Groundwater 

 Some sessions are still accepting abstracts.  Send to abstracts@gwpc.org