19th Annual Western Water Law Conference




Spend two days at the exciting Cosmopolitan in Las Vegas, where you and your colleagues can join other water professionals from around the West to explore the latest developments in water law.

Topics Include:

• Casitas and Takings Issues
• Clean Water Act
• Colorado River
• Endangered Species Act
• Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing on Water Resources
• Indian Water Rights
• Klamath River
• Supreme Court Pending Cases
• The Current State of Water Affairs
• Water and Energy Development
• Water Supply During Drought
 . . . more!

Keynote Presentation:

Ms. Mulroy Is Western Water Law Adaptable Enough in an Era
of Extreme Shortage?

Patricia Mulroy, General Manager
Las Vegas Valley Water District and Southern
Nevada Water Authority, Las Vegas, NV

Don't miss three unique networking opportunities on Thursday:

• Breakfast sponsored by: Brownstein Hyatt Farber and Schreck
• Afternoon Break sponsored by: Daniel B. Stephens and Associates
• Evening Reception sponsored by: Best Best & Krieger

Register today: www.cle.com/WesternWater