As this is the final issue of the WRRC’s Arizona Water Resource newsletter, we thought it would be useful to list some other sources of water information to which you may want to subscribe. This is not a complete list, but it includes some of our favorites.
For Arizona water news, both the Arizona Department of Water Resources and the Central Arizona Project send email newsletters. These links will take you to subscription pages: https://azwaternews.com/ and http://www.cap-az.com/public/cap-news. The CAP email is narrowly focused on their activities, but both will keep you updated on drought contingency planning. The ADWR email ranges somewhat more widely with links to stories from other news outlets.
The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality does not have an email newsletter, but you can sign up for notifications and updates about water quality program topics at https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/AZDEQ/subscriber/new?topic_id=AZ... . The ADEQ provides opportunities for citizens to get involved in water quality monitoring and assessment through Arizona Water Watch (http://www.azdeq.gov/programs/azww). You can subscribe to program updates at the link above. A “Government Goings On” feature in the newsletter of the Arizona Hydrological Society is informative and topical. The email newsletter is sent to AHS members, but you can find the articles on its web page at https://azhydrosoc.org/news-events/.
Other sites to find Arizona water news include Arizona Audubon – Water in the News (http://az.audubon.org/water-news-0) and AZ Water Association – Water in the News (https://www.azwater.org/news/). Membership in these organizations will put you on an email list, but you will have to “pull” the water news from these sites, because they do not “push” it to you.
On the other hand, if you subscribe to a list of water news pushers, water news from various sources will turn up in your inbox. If you get on the mailing list of the Water Conservation Alliance of Southern Arizona (WaterCASA), a variety of news articles and opinion pieces on water-related topics will come to you. Another email list that often sends items of interest to subscribers is the Arizona Riparian Council. This is more of an information sharing and chat email list, and exchanges of comments and information resources can be expected. One more mailing list with water-related messages, frequently from federal government agencies, is managed by Mary Reece at the Bureau of Reclamation. These articles and other items of interest to water groupies range further afield than Arizona.
The Arizona Municipal Water Users Association “AMWUA Blog,” (http://www.amwua.org/blog), a weekly feature by AMWUA’s executive director, appears on the AMWUA homepage (http://www.amwua.org/) along with other current information on water issues. If you would like to receive AMWUA emails, send a request to AMWUA.communications@amwua.org.
Water Use It Wisely focuses on conservation and provides water saving tips as well as news in its newsletter, which you can sign up for at https://wateruseitwisely.com/news-events/.
Email newsletters that cover Southwestern water issues include the Western Governors’ Association; subscribe at http://westgov.org/contact . Water Deeply is a digital media project of a team of journalists and technologists covering water issues in the U.S. West. They are known for thoughtful articles on topics of current interest. You can sign up for their newsletter at https://www.newsdeeply.com/water.
The journalist John Fleck, who is also the director of the University of New Mexico Water Resources Program, writes a blog (http://www.inkstain.net/fleck/) focused mainly on water issues, which provides news along with his take on current events.
The Water Education Foundation is based in California and its “Aquafornia” newsletter arrives daily with a few selected new articles usually focused on California, but occasionally with a wider Western focus. The subscription page is https://www.watereducation.org/SignUp .
“BC Water News”, published by the engineering firm Brown and Caldwell, collects news stories within six geographic regions of the United States and emails links to these stories to you once a week. We have seen links to small town newspapers and University of Arizona postings, as well as stories from major online and print news outlets. A recent issue linked to the Silver Belt with an article on our work in the Globe-Miami area. You can subscribe for any or all regions at http://register.bcwaternews.com/. When you do, you are likely to see your name listed among the new subscribers on your first e-newsletter.
Looking for a more technical focus to your news? Try the Water Online newsletter. You can sign up here: https://www.wateronline.com/user/Edit. Directed mainly toward water and wastewater utilities, it often has a human interest story among the reports on technological innovations, resources, and practices. Water resource professionals will find interesting articles in the AWRA Blog (http://awramedia.org/mainblog/), but to receive the AWRA newsletter you will have to join the American Water Resources Association. The Ground Water Protection Council’s “Groundwater Communiqué” is a twice-monthly email newsletter that primarily alerts members about activities and events, but also can contain information on resources and research and other news. You can subscribe at https://us11.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=e4d95ec7676fac6a01f324ddd&id=4b....
The organization American Rivers has a newsletter that provides information as it promotes appreciation and protection of rivers; scroll to the bottom of the page to subscribe (https://www.americanrivers.org/blog/). Other advocacy organization, such as Water Keepers Alliance (https://waterkeeper.org/news/) also have newsletters that keep subscribers up to date on their issues and activities.
The U.S. EPA Office of Water sends out a newsletter to subscribers with information on the activities of the agency and its partners relating to protection and restoration of waterways (https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/USAEPAOW/subscriber/new). The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation’s newsletter features the Bureau’s activities (reclamationinfo@usbr.gov) including current research.
The Forester Network, which publishes several magazines including Water Efficiency and Stormwater, also emails blogs on water and energy related topics. The variety of these offerings is very broad and they are a good source of conversational tidbits. The subscription page gives you a choice of newsletters (https://foresternetwork.com/newsletter-sign-up/).
Go to WaterWired for “news, analysis, humor, reviews, and commentary from [hydrogeologist] Michael E. ‘Aquadoc’ Campana” (http://aquadoc.typepad.com/waterwired/) an idiosyncratic mix that reflects Campana’s broad interests and global experience.
If you get on the list of the International Water Association (http://www.iwa-network.org/), you will receive the Source magazine with a variety of international water stories. For global water news, a personal favorite is Circle of Blue. Stories are collected from across the globe, frequently citing The Guardian, Al Jazeera, and The Times of India. You can sign up for the monthly newsletter and/or a daily feed at https://www.circleofblue.org/tag/frontpage/. They also offer a weekly Federal Tap, which presents what’s going on in Washington D.C. relating to water.
If we haven’t listed your favorites, please let us know. It’s hard to keep up with the diverse and dynamic world of water. The above listed sources can help—and it doesn’t even include social media sources such as Facebook and Twitter. And don’t forget, the Weekly Wave will continue to provide updates on our activities and events, as well as items and announcements focusing on our friends, colleagues, and community.