Brittany Choate Presents WRRC C2E Work and Wins, Twice

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On November 4th, Master’s student in Soil and Water Science Brittany Choate was awarded 2nd place in the Agriculture & Environmental Sciences Graduate Student division for her presentation at the University of Arizona’s campus-wide Student Showcase. This event occurs annually during Homecoming weekend and provides more than 100 undergraduate and graduate students with an opportunity to communicate their research with interested community members, university students, and returning alumni. Choate’s poster at this event described the Water Resources Research Center’s Conserve to Enhance (C2E) Tucson Pilot program. C2E is a WRRC program designed to link municipal water conservation with environmental enhancement.

Choate again presented her work at the Institute for the Environment’s Environmental Research Grad Blitz held on November 8th, where she won the Judge’s Choice award for best presentation linking science to society. The Grad Blitz is an opportunity for graduate students to present either a poster or a five minute, rapid fire talk outlining their environmentally related research at the University. Twenty-three oral presentations were given at the Blitz.

More information about Conserve to Enhance and the C2E Tucson Pilot can be found at the WRRC’s