The assessment of transboundary aquifers is essential for the development of groundwater management strategies and the sustainable use of groundwater resources.
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The United States has had a tumultuous relationship with one of its most precious resources — water. By the 1970s, aggressive development in the United States…
RESUMEN: La evaluación de los recursos hídricos subterráneos en las zonas fronterizas áridas y semiáridas de Estados Unidos y México representa un reto para…
Assessing groundwater resources in the arid and semiarid borderlands of the United States and Mexico represents a challenge for land and water managers,…
In Mexico, one hundred of the 188 most important aquifers dedicated to agriculture and human consumption are over-exploited and 32 are a ected by seawater…
Perennial flows in the United States of America (US) portion of the Santa Cruz River downstream from the Nogales International Wastewater Treatment Plant (…
Los caudales perennes en la porción estadounidense del río Santa Cruz aguas abajo de la Planta Internacional de Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales de Nogales (…
In collaboration with city, county, and academic institutions can open new opportunities to secure new water resources. Green infrastructure is critical to…
This project aims to evaluate the potential of reused grey water in concrete and mortar in order to preserve fresh water for drinking purposes. Using both…
The interconnectivities of groundwater to food, energy, and the climate are addressed to various degrees at the state level. Groundwater governance in the…
El agua subterránea, el "agua invisible", es difícil de evaluar, gestionar y gobernar por muchas razones, sobre todo porque se desconoce la disponibilidad de…
Groundwater, the "invisible water," is difficult to assess, manage and govern for many reasons, mostly due to the unknown quantities of the resource. Political…
Increasing demand for water has led to a higher reliance on groundwater. As dependence on groundwater increases, water managers and policy makers need to pay…
Groundwater governance and management practices vary considerably across the United States. To better understand groundwater governance strategies and…
Groundwater is increasingly important for meeting water demand across the United States (U.S.). Forward thinking governance and effective management are…