Greater depth, broader perspective for a clear water future
We tackle key water policy and management issues, empower informed decision-making, and enrich understanding through engagement, education, and applied research.
Photo: 20224WRRC Photo Contest: "Shared Borders, Shared Waters: Working Together in Times of Scarcity, " – Garry Forger – North Rim, Grand Canyon (2022)

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Latest News
We transfer water research results and information to other researchers, water managers, policy makers, and the wider public through publications, conferences, lectures, seminars, and workshops.

Director's Activities
Sharon B. Megdal, Ph.D. is Director of The University of Arizona Water Resources Research Center (WRRC), a Cooperative Extension center and a research unit in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.

Seminar Series
Grab your lunch and join us for a range of presentations on water-related topics of interest. Access to the WRRC’s Brown Bag series is currently being held live via Zoom webcasts.

Annual Conference
The 2022 Annual Conference, Arizona’s Agricultural Outlook: Water, Climate, and Sustainability, took place over three days, July 12-14.
Focus on scientific research, education, community outreach and engagement with a spectrum of topics, including water management and planning, water conservation, water harvesting, and water policy.