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WRRC 2023 Annual Conference
What Can We Do? Solutions to Arizona’s Water Challenges
July 11 – 12, 2023
University of Arizona Student Union Grand Ballroom, Tucson, AZ
Tue, Jul 11 2023, 9:30am - 5pm
Wed, Jul 12 2023, 8am - 5pm
Another successful WRRC conference is in the books! In July of 2023 we held our 21st annual conference, What Can We Do? Solutions to Arizona’s Water Challenges, at the University of Arizona Student Union. With over 300 registered in-person and more than 600 for the Zoom livestream, we had one of our largest audiences to date. The number of engaged attendees in person and on Zoom speaks volumes to the relevance of this year’s solutions-focused agenda. Attendees heard from more than 50 speakers from a wide range of different industries and backgrounds, who shared their perspectives, knowledge, and ideas for solutions to the pressing water resource challenges currently facing Arizona and the region. It was an opportunity to listen, learn, and form new connections across sectors as we work toward the common goal of securing Arizona’s water future. For those who were unable to attend or would like to re-watch portions of the program, recordings of the proceedings are now available on our conference website. Links to individual presentations are listed by speaker name on the agenda. Each video link will take you to the beginning of the corresponding segment in the recording. Speakers’ presentation slides are also linked where permission was given. Thank you to our speakers, attendees, and sponsors for another great conference!
Conference Sponsors 2023

Tucson Regional Water Coalition